A moving (living) creature on earth-2
an attempt to gather this infinite number of creatures, biologists
classified them into two main categories: Animals and Plants. They defined plants as those living organisms that are fixed to the ground through their roots. Allah
(SWT) has given the plants the ability to produce their own food.
Animals, on the other hand, have been granted the ability to move and
obtain food from the surrounding environment from which they eat and
This classification into these two main categories prevailed until the beginning of the 20th Century, despite discovering a lot of living organisms which were very difficult to place in either of these groups. These living organisms were discovered using the microscope which was invented in the 17th Century. They included a lot of tiny single-celled organisms. Some
of them had some resemblance to plants and others had some resemblance
to animals, while a third category had some resemblance to both plants
and animals.
These single-celled living things were eventually classified as a third category known as “Protista”. With
the discovery of bacteria, it was found that they could not be put in
any of the three main classifications- Protista, Plants or Animals as it
lacked a nucleus which was a characteristic of all the three groups. Similar to the bacteria there was another simple type of living organism known as “Blue Green Algae”,
which was also a single-celled organism with no definite nuclei and the
carriers of the genetic codes are spread in the cell’s liquid.
the discovery of “Viruses”, it appeared that they can be distinguished
from the other organisms as they live on other organisms. It was found
that a virus could replicate by inserting its simple genetic material
into the cells of an animal, plant or protista. Since
the genetic material in these primitive living things are not linked in
a definite way, such viruses are sometimes referred to as “Naked
on these findings, living organisms were classified into 4 kingdoms:
Monera, Protista, Plantae and Animalia. Studies then proved that fungi
were considered to be a different living organism that should be put
into a separate category. Fungi are known to absorb their nutrition through the walls of their cells, which is a characteristic of plants. However,
unlike plants, they do not produce their own food. Moreover, they do
not swallow up and digest their food as animals do. Therefore, they had
to be classified into a new category. By separating fungi into a new
category, there became 5 different kingdoms of living things:
1. Kingdom Monera: this includes: bacteria, blue green algae and spirochetes. They are normally single-celled organisms with no defined nucleus.
2. Kingdom Protista: this
includes protozoa and all algae other than blue green algae. They are
also single-celled organisms but with a defined nucleus.
3. Kingdom Fungi: this includes all kinds of mushrooms, molds, fungi, yeasts, mildews, and smuts. It may be single-celled or multi-cellular. Every
cell has its definite nucleus. Fungi differ from plants because they
lack chlorophyll and therefore, depend on other living organisms and
decomposed material to survive. Hence, there are saprophytic fungi, that
live on dead corpses and the remains of decomposed plants and parasitic
fungi that rely on other living organisms for its nutrition.
4. Kingdom Plantae:
this includes multi cellular organisms, each cell has its defined
nucleus. These cells are organized into tissues and organs which include
pigmentation that allows them to produce their own food through
photosynthesis. The cell walls of plants are characteristically not
living and the plants are normally rooted in soil.
5. Kingdom Animalia:
this includes multi-cellular living organisms with nucleated cells and a
living outer cell membrane. They are organisms that are able to move
and rely on other organisms (plants and animals) to obtain their food.
This type of classification is to aid biologists in being familiar with these extensive amounts of living organisms. Viruses
do not belong to the above 5 kingdoms of life. They are much smaller
and much less complex than cells. They are macromolecular units composed
of DNA or RNA surrounded by an outer protein shell. Similarly, prions
and other non-cellular entities do not fit into any of the five
kingdoms. The five-kingdom system of classification for living
organisms, is further complicated by the discovery of archaebacteria.,
now recognized by most authorities as a 6th kingdom.
prominent contemporary scientist describes it as: “Even though the
method of classifying living organisms into 5 kingdoms is preferred in
this book, it is like any other system created by the human mind.
Therefore, it is an attempt to place arbitrary limits to nature which is
too varied to be placed into such specific and narrow classifications
and is therefore a very difficult, if not an impossible task.” (Biology:
Richard A Goldzbi, 1980, page 394)
Current classification of living organisms (Taxonomy)
an attempt to simplify the picture, which in fact made it more
complicated, was further classification of each (kingdom) into (Phyla),
every Phylum into (Classes), every Class into (Orders), every Order into
(families), into (Genera), into (Species), into (Varieties) into
(Strains) which consist of individuals.
got more complicated with the addition of sub-categories to multiply
each classification up to three times of what it originally was. There
came to be sub- and super- before each of the above mentioned
categories. For example, there is now a super-kingdom, a kingdom and a
reflects the desperate attempts of evolutionists in a trial to deny the
absolute truth about creation and to deny the Creator (SWT) Himself. They
are attempting to prove that everything comes from nature. However, new
successive scientific advances, especially in the field of genetics and
inheritance, are increasing the proof that the true system of
classification of living organisms is the species, which Allah (SWT)
has distinguished into billions of individuals distributed throughout
the world and has brought together as populations living in specific
places and environments. Each species has originated from one origin
which Allah (SWT) has created and knows of.
classification of living things according to species is therefore the
only accurate method of classification established by modern science. As
for the remaining higher categories of classification allocated by
different biologists, they are not accurate because they depend on a lot
of assumptions, which rely on personal points of view. A biologist
classifying these categories would be prone to information bias through
choosing which characteristics to consider and which to ignore in order
to simplify the process of classifying this extensive number of
every species of living organisms on earth comprises groups or
populations which are brought together by shared characteristics. These
characteristics include external, phenotypic, genetic and internal
anatomic similarities. They would also have similar physiologic and
biochemical behavior, basic genetic characteristics, proximate
environmental conditions even if separated by terrestrial distances, as
well as the ability to interbreed to produce fertile offspring. These
characteristics bring together all the individuals of any one population
as well as bringing together individuals of different populations of
the same species. This is the case even if populations of the same
species exhibit differences as a result of variations in the surrounding
environmental conditions, or due to genetic isolation, because they all
have a common genetic code.
Therefore, individuals from two different species can never interbreed and produce a fertile offspring. Each
species cannot possibly breed with another different species. There are
only minor differences within a population of any one species based on
the genes inherited by the individuals which was originally placed by
Allah (SWT) in the origin of this species. These individual
differences may become more evident among individuals of two separate
populations as a result of genetic isolation as well as differences in
environmental and climatic conditions.
remark alone is enough to disprove the idea of the hierarchical
classification of the living organisms which is based on assumptions of
similarities within the individuals of any specific kingdom, whether it
starts from the species or the strains up to the kingdom and between all
the other kingdoms according to the evolutionary theory. That
theory has also been disproved by modern advancements in science
including the Genome Project which has unraveled the genetic code of
humans as well as some other living organisms despite the attempts made
by scientists such as Charles Darwin.
Carlous Linnaeous was a Swedish botanist, who published a book called ‘Systema Naturae’ in 1735, a 100 years before Charles Darwin’s publication of the book ‘On the origin of Species’. Linnaeus sought a natural method of arrangement, he stopped short of accepting the evolution of one species into another. Linnaeus’
book called for the necessity of a classification system of all living
things based on Binomial Nomenclature. This naming system is based on
the assumption that all living organisms originate and descend from a
common origin. However, The ayah that we are looking at in Surat Al-An’am rejects this as Allah (SWT) says what can be translated as, “There is not a moving (living) creature on earth, nor a bird that flies with its two wings, but are communities like you.” (Surat Al-An'âm (The Cattle):38).
This Ayah specifically says what can be translated as that every
species of the living organisms, with its populations and individuals,
is a special entity separated and isolated from other individuals,
populations and species. Any similarities are within the individuals of
the same species and do not in any way go beyond to any other species.
is a reality which modern advancements in genetics, molecular biology
and biochemistry have begun to clearly show. This fact was mentioned
1400 years ago in the Holy Qur’an which only re-affirms the fact that
the Qur’an could only be the word of Allah (SWT) which He revealed upon His Prophet and Messenger (SAWS). No man could have ever produced it. It also proves that Allah (SWT) has protected every letter and word of it as He promised. He (SWT)
kept it just as it was revealed in its original Arabic language for
more than 14 centuries and will continue to do so until this earth and
all that is on it returns back to Him (SWT). We thank Allah (SWT) for blessing us with the Qur’an and Islam.
the praises and thanks be to Allâh, Who has guided us to this, and
never could we have found guidance, were it not that Allâh had guided
us!" (Surat Al-A'râf (The Heights):43)
Peace and blessings be upon the seal of the Prophets and the Messenger of Allah, who received the Holy Qur’an from his Lord (SWT),
and passed it onto us with complete honesty, through his perfect
character and morals, and it is all truth. Peace and blessings be on his
beloved companions, family, pure wives and on all those who followed
his guidance and acted upon it until the Day of Judgment.
A moving (living) creature on earth-2
Reviewed by Unknown
8:21 ص
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